As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, I would like to remind everyone about the importance of continued vigilance in infection control. Before you come to church do your daily symptom monitoring. If you THINK you might have symptoms don't come. Please worship with us online.
Scientific evidence continues to increasingly show that keeping infection rates down hinges on persisting with the discipline of properly wearing a surgical or cloth mask. There have been conflicting publications and rumors about the mechanism of COVID-19 transmission and a growing sense that ONLY N-95 respirators can protect you from infection although this is NOT TRUE. Others believe the surgical masks only protect those around you but do not protect yourself, which is also turning out to be not true.

I want to stress the importance of always wearing a surgical mask or cloth mask when on church grounds, except when eating or drinking (at least six feet apart) or in a private office space. Even if you are more than six feet apart, it is important that masks are still worn properly. Even a homemade (two layer) cloth face covering reduces transmission of the virus. For a mask to be effective, it must fully cover your nose and mouth. Touching and adjusting your mask should be minimized but if needed, first sanitize your hands. Consider replacing your mask if it does not properly cover your nose and mouth.
Although everyone wishes that this would all just go away, unfortunately the end is not near. Each of us must continue to adhere consistently to good practices and truly commit to a culture of accountability. If you see someone without a mask or not wearing it appropriately, politely ask an usher or the Pastor to remind them to wear a mask and pull it over their mouth and nose. There should be no “half-masking.” This will assure we maintain the highest levels of safety for ourselves and our visitors. Keep St. James a SAFE PLACE. Thank you.