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Meet Our Shining Stars

Meet This Month's Shining Stars

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High Honors

Daveon has worked hard and earned high honors from his school. We recognize Daveon's efforts and applaud his hard work. He is a Saint James Baptist Church Shining Star!




Charlenia has been working hard and earned honors. She was recommended for college prep classes from Woonsocket Middle School. We recognize Charlenia's efforts and applaud her hard work. She is a Saint James Baptist Church Shining Star!

Charlenia Smith


High Honors

My'Asia has been working hard and to earn High honors from Woonsocket High Schooll. We recognize My'Asia efforts and we applaud her hard work. She is a Saint James Baptist Church Shining Star!

My'Asia Smith

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The Shining Star program recognizes, each month, the children of St. James for their outstanding performance in academics, sports, arts, and community activities.  We acknowledge the children of our church on the second Sunday of each month for their achievements as a way of honoring their commitment to education and other positive activities in their lives. This program is run by Minister Cheryl Beal.

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